A State-by-State Guide to 2022 Voting and Deadlines

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We all know how important it is to vote, but not all elections get the same level of attention. In general, about 60% of the eligible voting population turns out for presidential elections, and 40% for midterms. The numbers are even lower for primary elections.
One reason may be that people simply miss their state’s deadlines for registration. These don’t get the same level of fanfare as presidential elections, where we’re inundated with coverage years in advance.
That doesn’t mean midterms aren’t just as important, though. During midterms, voters choose one-third of U.S. Senators and every member of the House of Representatives. In 2022, we’ll also have 36 gubernatorial seats open, plus a number of state and local government positions.
Registering to vote
Registering to vote is a different process in every state, so you’ll have to check into your state’s specific rules. You can use our voter registration guide by state to learn more about registering to vote, mail-in ballots, and updating your registration when you move. In many states, you’re automatically registered to vote at your new address when you file a change-of-address form with the USPS®.
If you’re not sure where you’re registered — or if you’re registered at all — you can check your status on the National Association of Secretaries of State website. All you need to do is enter your first and last name, date of birth, and the state where you want to check your registration.
2022 midterm elections
Election day will be Tuesday, November 8, 2022 for the midterms this year. A total of 469 seats are up for election in Congress (34 Senate seats and all 435 House seats), plus 36 governor seats.
2022 Congressional elections
This year, 34 out of 100 Senate seats will be up for election. These will take place on Nov. 8, 2022, with Senators beginning their six-year terms on Jan. 3, 2023. Check the map below to see if your state will be electing a senator this year.

In addition to these Senate elections, every House of Representatives seat will also be open. These are only two-year terms, so they’re voted on in every election.
2022 gubernatorial elections
36 states are electing new governors in 2022, plus three U.S. territories: Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

What’s next?
While the 2022 midterms don’t happen until November, there are some key dates before then you’ll want to mark in your calendar. Find out the voter registration deadline in your state, as well as the application deadline for mail-in ballots if that’s how you plan on voting.