A State-by-State Guide to Mail-in Voting and Changing Your Voter Registration Address
By Alexander Harris
Updated April 3, 2024
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Did you move this year? Do you plan to vote in the next election? If you answered yes to both of those questions, you need to complete your voter registration change-of-address. Voter registration is handled at the state level, not the federal level. That means if you moved to a new state, you need to change your voting address before the election to vote. You probably need to change voter registration information even if you moved to a different county or just across the street.
Because many voters plan to use mail-in voting in the November 2022 election, it’s imperative for you to file a change-of-address as soon as possible. Once you do, you will need to request an absentee ballot in many states – the sooner the better.
The United States Postal Service requires that state or local election officials use First-Class Mail and provide a prepaid envelope or tell you exactly how much postage you need. The USPS® recommends voters mail their return ballots at least one week prior to the due date established by state law to ensure the ballots are received in time to be counted. If you’re having issues finding a mailbox, you can place your absentee ballot in your personal mailbox with the outgoing mail, or even schedule a pickup online.
While your ballot should specify how much postage you need, you can also check with your local post office to find out how much postage is required to mail your absentee voting 2022 ballot, which may vary from state to state. In some localities, you may also be able to hand-deliver your ballot to the appropriate county office. Check with your county’s government website, or check out your state below. Be aware that nine states require a witness signature on your absentee ballot in order for your vote to be counted.
How do you change your voter registration address when you move?
Most states require you to re-register to vote any time you change your address. Your voter registration change-of-address is not automatic. So if you move to a new county or state, then you must re-register to vote with your new local election office. You may also have to re-register if you move within the same county, although some states, like Texas, have a separate process you can use for updating your address for intra-county moves.
Why is it important to update your address on your voter registration when you move?
Cities and counties are divided into precincts, also commonly called voting districts or election districts. Your address determines which precinct or voting district you are assigned to. Each precinct has a designated polling place, where voters from that precinct are registered to vote. If your new home is in a different precinct and you don’t complete your voter registration change of address, then you might not be able to cast a ballot on Election Day, even through mail-in voting
How to update your voter registration, state by state:
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Alabama driver’s license or ID, you can re-register online.
- In-person: Turn in your completed voter registration form at your county board of registrars or at the DMV.
Deadline: 15 days before Election Day
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, your absentee ballot application must be received by your county Absentee Election Manager no later than the seventh day prior to the election. However, to accommodate mail delivery time, you should send in your ballot application early enough to allow at least one week to receive your absentee ballot.
Absentee ballot deadline:
If you send in your absentee ballot by mail, it must be received by your county Absentee Election Manager by 12 p.m. on Election Day. With mail delays in 2020 causing concern in some states, the USPS recommends sending your ballot in at least one week before your state’s deadline. If you’re extra concerned, consider mailing your ballot in two weeks early, or hand-delivering it to a ballot drop-off location you can find by conducting a local Google search. All hand-delivered ballots must be dropped at the Absentee Election Manager’s office by 5 p.m. on the day before the election.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Alaska driver’s license or ID, you can re-register online.
- In-person: Turn in your completed voter registration form at a local Divisions of Elections office or a voter registration agency in your area.
- Update registration: You can also update your existing registration with a new address online.
Deadline: 30 days before Election Day
If registering by mail and the 30th day falls on a Sunday, your registration must be postmarked 31 days before election day.
How to vote by mail:
You can request an absentee ballot for mail-in voting at any time during the year by submitting an application to the Absentee Office. Your absentee ballot application must be received at least 10 days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
When returning your absentee ballot by mail to the Absentee Office, it must be postmarked on or before Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Arizona driver’s license or ID, you can re-register online.
- In-person: Turn in your completed voter registration form at your county recorder’s office.
- Update registration: You can also update your existing registration with a new address online.
Deadline: 29 days before Election Day
How to vote by mail:
Arizona offers residents two ways to receive absentee ballots for mail-in voting. They can sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) to always receive absentee ballots, or they can make a one-time ballot-by-mail request. For either option, you must request an absentee ballot at least 11 days before Election Day to receive a ballot.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Because your absentee ballot must be received by 7 p.m. on Election Day, the Arizona secretary of state office recommends mailing your ballot by the Wednesday before Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: N/A
- In-person: Turn in your completed voter registration form to your local county clerk, or local revenue or DMV office. You can also obtain an application from a public library, disability office, or military recruitment center.
- Update registration: If you move within the same county, you must update your address by contacting the county clerk no less than four days before election day.
Deadline: 30 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail in Arkansas, you can contact your county clerk where you are registered to vote and request an absentee ballot application be sent to you, or you can download the application and return it to the county clerk. Your application must be received no later than seven days before the election.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Your completed absentee ballot must be received at the county clerk’s office by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid California driver’s license or ID, you can re-register online.
- In-person: Turn in your completed voter registration form at your local Department of Motor Vehicles office.
- Update registration: Your existing registration should automatically be updated if you have changed your address with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS®) or at the Department of Motor Vehicles. You can also update your address by sending a letter to your new county election official with your date of birth and new address.
Deadline: 15 days before Election Day. You can also conditionally register to vote in-person through Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
All registered voters in California receive a vote-by-mail ballot automatically.
Absentee ballot deadline:
All mail-in voting ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received no later than 17 days after Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Colorado driver’s license or ID, you can re-register online.
- In-person: Register to vote in-person at the Department of Motor Vehicles, public assistance offices, military recruitment offices, various government agencies, or at a voter service and polling center.
- Update registration: If you are already registered you can update your address online.
Deadline: 8 days before Election Day if registering by mail or online. You can register to vote in-person through Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
In Colorado, every voter receives a mail ballot to vote by mail.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Absentee ballots must be returned to the county clerk and recorder no later than 7 p.m. on Election Day. You must mail it with enough time to be received – not postmarked – by the county clerk by 7 p.m. on Election Day in order to be counted.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Connecticut driver’s license or ID, you can re-register online.
- In-person: Register to vote in-person at your local Registrar of Voters before the deadline. If you miss the deadline you can register in person at your local election office.
- Update registration: If you are already registered you can update your address online, or in-person on Election Day.
Deadline: 7 days before election day online or by mail. You can also register in-person on Election Day at your local election office.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, you can download and complete an Application for Absentee Ballot from the Connecticut secretary of the state office. If you request an absentee ballot within six days of an election, you must complete and return the Emergency Application for Absentee Ballot.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Your absentee ballot must be received by mail or in-person at the Town Clerk’s office by 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Delaware driver’s license or ID, you can re-register online.
- In-person: You can submit a completed voter registration form to any state Department of Elections office.
Deadline: The fourth Saturday before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
You can vote by mail by requesting an absentee ballot or by completing an “Affidavit for Absentee Ballot” either online or by downloading, completing and returning the form to the Department of Elections for your county. Your application must be received at least four days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Absentee ballots must be received by the Department of Elections in your county by 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Florida driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote or update your address online.
- In-person: You can register to vote when accessing services at a Florida driver’s license office, tax collectors office, or voter registration agency.
Deadline: 29 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
In Florida, you can vote by mail by requesting an absentee ballot from your county Supervisor of Elections by email, fax, mail, telephone or in person. You also can fill out and submit an online application at your county Supervisor of Elections website. Your request for a ballot to be mailed to you is by 5 p.m. on the 10th day before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Absentee ballots must be received no later than 7 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Georgia driver’s license or ID, you can register online. If you are already registered you can also update your address.
- In-person: Get a voter registration form at your county board of registrars or at the DMV.
Deadline: The fifth Monday before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
Registered voters who want to vote by mail in Georgia can request an absentee ballot up to 180 days before Election Day and 5 p.m. on the Friday before Election Day. They should complete a Georgia Application for Official Absentee Ballot, which can be downloaded from the secretary of state website, and returned to their county Board of Registrar’s office by mail, fax, email or in person. It must be received at least 11 days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Absentee ballots must arrive by the time polls close on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Hawaii driver’s license or ID, you can register online or update your existing registration with your new address.
- In-person: Submit a voter registration form at the office of elections or your local clerk’s office.
Deadline: 30 days before Election Day, or in person at polling locations during early voting or on Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, all registered voters will automatically receive a mail-in voting packet with ballot approximately 18 days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Absentee ballots must be received by the Clerk’s Office by 7 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Idaho driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your existing registration with your new address.
- In-person: You can submit a completed voter registration form at your county recorder’s office.
Deadline: 25 days before Election Day, or in-person at a voting location during Early Voting or on Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
Idaho registered voters who want to vote by mail can request an absentee ballot from their local clerk’s office or fill out and submit an Absentee Request Form from the Administration and Elections Office. Your request must be received 11 days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
By 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Illinois driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your existing registration with your new address.
- In-person: Submit in your completed voter registration form at your county board of elections commissioner’s office or county clerk’s office.
Deadline: 28 days before Election Day by mail (postmarked) or 16 days before Election Day online. If you miss the deadline you can register and vote through Election Day at your local election office.
How to vote by mail:
You must request a vote-by-mail ballot from your local Election Authority at least five days before Election Day. You can download the Illinois Application for Vote by Mail Ballot online.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Mail-in voting ballots must be postmarked no later than Election Day, and must be received within 14 days of the election.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Indiana driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your existing registration with your new address.
- In-person: Submit your voter registration form to your county’s voter registration office or the Indiana Election Division.
Deadline: 29 days before Election Day
How to vote by mail:
You must request a vote-by-mail ballot by completing and submitting an ABS-Mail application no later than 11:59 p.m. on the 12th day before Election Day. You can download and print the application on the Indiana Voter Portal website, or you can pick up an application in person at your local election office.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received by 12 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Iowa driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your existing registration with your new address.
- In-person: Submit a completed voter registration form at your county auditor’s office. If you moved within the same county you can update your registration address on Election Day at the polling place where you live now.
Deadline: 15 days before Election Day, or in-person during early vote or on Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
You can request an absentee ballot to vote by mail by downloading, completing and returning an absentee ballot request form to your county auditor. Mailed applications must be received 15 days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received by the time polls close on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Kansas driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or re-register with your new address.
- In-person: Turn in your completed voter registration form at your county election office.
Deadline: 21 days before Election Day
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, your completed application must be received at least seven days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Your ballot must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received no later than three days after Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Kentucky driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or re-register with your new address.
- In-person: Turn in your completed voter registration form at your county clerk’s office.
Deadline: 29 days before Election Day
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, you must complete a request for an absentee ballot no later than seven days before Election Day (or 25 days if you request your ballot online) and return it to your local election office.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Absentee ballots must be received by 6 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Louisiana driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or re-register with your new address.
- In-person: Turn in your completed voter registration form at any registrar of voters office.
Deadline: 30 days before Election Day, or 20 days before if registering online.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, log in to the Louisiana Voter Portal to request an absentee ballot or print an application and return it to your parish registrar of voters by 4:30 p.m. on the fourth day before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
4:30 p.m. on the day before Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: N/A
- In-person: You can register to vote at your local town office or city hall, or through any Motor Vehicle branch office.
Deadline: Registrations by mail must be received 15 business days before Election Day. You can register in person at your local town office or city hall through Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
You can vote by mail by completing an absentee ballot request online with the secretary of state, or you can call or write your local municipal clerk to ask for an absentee ballot. Your request must be received at least three business days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
8 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Maryland driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or re-register with your new address.
- In-person: You can turn in your completed voter registration form at your local board of elections.
Deadline: 21 days before Election Day. You can also register to vote on Election Day at your local voting location.
How to vote by mail:
You can request a mail-in voting ballot by completing a form online with the Maryland Board of Elections; download, complete, print and return a mail-in ballot application to your local board of elections or pick up a request form at your local board of elections. It must be received 14 days before Election Day if mailed in or completed online, or 7 days if received in person.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Hand-delivered absentee ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Mailed absentee ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by 10 a.m., 10 days after Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Massachusetts driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or re-register with your new address.
- In-person: Turn in your completed voter registration form at any local election office or to the Elections Division of the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s office. You may also register to vote at any Registry of Motor Vehicles office.
Deadline: 20 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, your application for an absentee ballot must be received at least four business days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Absentee ballots must be received by Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Michigan driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: Turn in your completed voter registration form at your local clerk’s office.
Deadline: 15 days before Election Day. You can also register to vote in-person at voting locations during Early Voting or on Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, you can request an absentee ballot in writing by completing an online application or sending the application or written request to your local clerk. It must be received four days before Election Day if submitted online or by mail, or one day in person.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Received by 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Minnesota driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: Turn in your completed voter registration form at your county election office.
Deadline: 21 days before Election Day, or in-person on Election Day or during the absentee voting period.
How to vote by mail:
If you want to vote by mail, you can request an absentee ballot by completing an online absentee application or downloading, completing and returning an absentee application to your county election office by the day before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day if by mail or received by 3 p.m. on Election Day if hand-delivered to a drop box or elections office.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: N/A
- In-person: You can register to vote at your circuit or municipal clerk’s office.
Deadline: 30 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
Contact your circuit or municipal clerk’s office to request an absentee ballot to vote by mail. There’s no specific deadline, but they recommend requesting a ballot at least seven days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Your absentee ballot must postmarked by Election Day and received within five business days of Election Day. If delivering it in person, it must be received at least three days before Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Missouri driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: Turn in your completed voter registration form at your county clerk’s office.
Deadline: 27 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
In order to vote by mail, request an absentee ballot from your local election authority by mail or in person. Your request must be received by 5 p.m. on the day before Election Day if its in-person, or
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received by 7 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: N/A
- In-person: Submit a voter registration application at your local county election office.
Deadline: Mailed applications need to be postmarked 8 days before and received 5 days before Election Day. You can register at your local election office in-person through Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
To request an absentee ballot to vote by mail, you must submit an application for absentee ballot by mail or in person at the county election office by noon the day before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Received by 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Nebraska driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: You can register in person when applying or renewing your driver’s license at the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Deadline: 11 days before Election Day when registering in person, 18 days before when registering by mail (postmarked) or online.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, you can complete and print an online early-voting application, which must be received at least 11 days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Nevada driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: You can register to vote in person at any NV Department of Motor Vehicles office, or at your county clerk or registrar of voters’ office.
Deadline: Postmarked 28 days before Election Day by mail, five days before when registering online, or on Election Day in person.
How to vote by mail:
If you want to vote by mail, you must complete and return an Absentee Ballot Request Form to your local county clerk or registrar of voters by 5 p.m. on the 14th day before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Absentee ballots must be postmarked by Election Day.
New Hampshire
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Registration by mail is not available in New Hampshire.
- Online: N/A
- In-person: You can register to vote at your town or city clerk’s office. You may also register with your community’s Supervisors of the Checklist.
Deadline: Applications must be received between six and 13 days before Election Day, depending on the town you live in. You may register in-person through Election Day at your polling place.
How to vote by mail:
For voting by mail, request an absentee ballot by downloading, completing, and returning an Absentee Ballot Application to your local city or town clerk. There’s no deadline to request an application, but we recommend submitting it at least a week before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Received by 5 p.m. on Election Day.
New Jersey
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: N/A
- In-person: You can turn in your completed voter registration form to your County Commissioner of Registration or Superintendent of Elections.
Deadline: 21 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, fill out and return an Application for Vote by Mail Ballot to your local county clerk no later than seven days before Election Day by mail. You also can apply in person up to 3 p.m. the day before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be postmarked by Election Day and received within 144 hours after the polls close.
New Mexico
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid New Mexico driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: You can submit your voter registration form at any county clerk’s office or at the Secretary of State’s office.
Deadline: 28 days before Election Day, or Saturday before Election Day if returning in-person at the county clerk’s office.
How to vote by mail:
Complete and return an Absentee Ballot Application to your county clerk’s office at least 14 days before Election Day in order to vote by mail.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received by 7 p.m. on Election Day.
New York
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid New York driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: Register in person at your county Board of Elections.
Deadline: 25 days before Election Day. Mailed registrations must be postmarked 25 days before Election Day and received no later than 20 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, pick up an application for an absentee ballot from your county board of elections or download one from the New York Board of Elections. Return the completed application to your county board no later than seven days before Election Day by mail or online, or one day if returning it in person.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Absentee ballots must be postmarked by Election Day and received within seven days following Election Day.
North Carolina
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you are a North Carolina DMV customer and have a valid North Carolina driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: You can register in person at your county Board of Elections.
Deadline: 25 days before Election Day. If you miss the deadline, you can register in person at your local Early Voting site up until the Saturday before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, complete and return a State Absentee Ballot Request Form by email, fax, mail or in person to your local county board of elections. It must be received by 5 p.m. seven days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received by 5 p.m. on Election Day.
North Dakota
Update your voter registration:
- North Dakota does not have a voter registration process. Just show your state issued ID at the polls to vote. If you have moved and your ID doesn’t have your current address, you should bring supplemental documentation such as a utility bill.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, complete an absentee/mail ballot application online or download, complete and print the form. Return it to your county auditor. There is no specific deadline.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be postmarked the day before Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Ohio driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: Register in person at your county Board of Elections, the office of the Secretary of State, or at the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
Deadline: 30 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
For voting by mail, complete the absentee ballot request form, and return it to your county board of elections no later than three days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be postmarked no later than the day before Election Day and received within 10 days of Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: N/A
- In-person: Turn in your completed voter registration form to your county Election Board.
Deadline: 25 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, complete an online absentee voting application or send a written request to your county election board by 5 p.m. 15 days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received by 7 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Oregon driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online. If you are already registered and just need to update your address, you may do so online here.
- In-person: You can register in person at your county election office.
Deadline: 21 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
Registered voters will automatically receive a vote-by-mail ballot from the secretary of state two to three weeks before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be postmarked by 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Pennsylvania driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: You can register in person at your county voter registration office.
Deadline: 15 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
If voting by mail, apply online or complete and return a mail-in ballot application to your county election office. You also can apply in person. Your application must be received at least seven days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be postmarked by Election Day and received within three days after Election Day.
Puerto Rico
Update your voter registration:
Puerto Rican residents who live within the United States mainland can vote in U.S. presidential elections, and should update their information with their state of residence. For island elections, please follow the instructions below.
- Online: You can request your absentee ballot and verify your registration status here.
- In-person: You can register in-person at your local election Permanent Registration Board office.
Deadline: 50 days before Election Day. Voter registration addresses can’t be updated once the election is less than 120 days away.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, complete and return an absentee voting request to the Absentee Vote Administrative Board.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Postmarked by Election Day.
Rhode Island
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Rhode Island driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online. When you update your address with the DMV your voter registration address is automatically updated. If you need to manually update your voter registration address you can check it here.
- In-person: You can turn in your completed voter registration form at your local board of canvassers.
Deadline: 30 days before Election Day. You may also register on Election Day in-person, but only for presidential elections.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, you can pick up a mail ballot application at your local board of Canvassers or request one by phone. You also can download an application from the Rhode Island secretary of state website. Your application must be submitted by 4 p.m. 21 days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day.
South Carolina
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid South Carolina driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online.
- In-person: You can register in person at your county board of voter registration.
- Update address: If you want to change your voter registration address without re-registering, submit a change-of-address form by mail, fax, in person, or as an e-mail attachment to your county voter registration office.
Deadline: 30 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
For voting by mail, pick up an absentee ballot application from your county voter registration office, or call or email them to request an application. You also can complete and print the application online. It must be received 10 days before the election by mail, or four days before Election Day in person, unless the individual is already a registered voter; then one day before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received by 7 p.m. on Election Day.
South Dakota
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: N/A
- In-person: You can turn in your completed voter registration form to your county auditor’s office.
Deadline: 15 days before Election Day
How to vote by mail:
For voting by mail, download, complete and return the absentee ballot application to your county election official by 5 p.m. on the day before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received before the polls close on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Tennessee driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: You can submit your voter registration in person to your county election commission office.
Deadline: 30 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
In order to vote by mail, send a written request or completed absentee ballot request form to your local county election commission office at least seven days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received by the close of polls on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: Online voter registration is unavailable in Texas. However, if you moved within the same county you can update your address online.
- In-person: You can submit your voter registration in person to your county voter registration office.
Deadline: 30 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, complete an application for ballot by mail online or print and send it to your local Early Voting Clerk. It must be received 11 days before Election Day by mail, or 22 days in person.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be postmarked by Election Day and received by 5 p.m. on the day after Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Utah driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address. Your voter registration address must match the address on your ID, so you may have to update that first.
- In-person: You can submit your voter registration in person to your county clerk’s office.
Deadline: Online and mailed registrations must be received 11 days before Election Day. In-person registrations are due seven days before Election Day, but you can also register to vote by provisional ballot in person on Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
Active registered voters will automatically receive voting-by-mail ballots from their county clerks, who will mail ballots two to four weeks before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
If in-person, it must be received by Election Day. If mailed, it must be postmarked one day before Election Day and received before noon on the day of the county canvass.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Vermont driver’s license or other accepted ID (utility bill, bank statement, or government document with your residential address), you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: You can submit your voter registration in person to your town or city clerk’s office.
Deadline: Election Day. Mailed registrations must be received by Election Day. You may be asked to fill out another application on Election Day if your registration isn’t received by the day prior.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, request a mail-in voting ballot online, using a paper application or at your local clerk’s office by 5 p.m. on the day before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Before the close of the office on the day before Election Day if returning to the town clerk; by 7 p.m. on Election Day at your polling place.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Virginia driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: You can submit your voter registration in person at your local voter registration office.
Deadline: 22 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, you can apply online for an absentee ballot or print and return the application by mail, fax or email. Your application must be received no later than 11 days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Postmarked on or before Election Day and received by 12 p.m. on the third day after Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Washington driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: Submit your voter registration in person at your county elections department.
Deadline: Eight days before Election Day. You can register in person on Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
Washington State votes by mail for its elections, so your ballot will be mailed to you at least 18 days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Postmarked by Election Day and received five days after Election Day or dropped in a drop box by 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Washington DC
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid District of Columbia driver’s license or ID, you can re-register online.
- In-person: Submit your completed voter registration form at any D.C. Board of Elections office, Department of Motor Vehicles location, or any National Voter Registration Act agency including public schools and libraries.
- Update registration: If you are already registered, update your address online, using the Vote4DC mobile app, or in-person at any NVRA agency.
Deadline: 21 days before Election Day by mail or online. You can register to vote on Election Day or during the Early Voting Period at polling locations.
How to vote by mail:
When voting by mail in the District of Columbia, you’ll have to download and complete an Absentee Ballot Request Form and return it to the Board of Elections no later than seven days before the election.
Absentee ballot deadline:
All absentee ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by the Board of Elections within 10 days after Election Day.
West Virginia
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid West Virginia driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: You can submit your voter registration in person at your county clerk’s office.
Deadline: 21 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, submit a completed absentee ballot application to your county clerk’s office by mail, fax, email or in person no later than the sixth day before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Postmarked by Election Day and received by six days after Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration using MYMOVE’s form. All you have to do is fill in your information, print it out, and mail it in!
- Online: If you have a valid Wisconsin driver’s license or ID, you can register to vote online or update your registration with your new address.
- In-person: You can submit your voter registration in person at your municipal clerk’s office.
Deadline: Third Wednesday before Election Day. You can register in-person at your polling place on Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
To vote by mail, download and complete the Application for Absentee Ballot, and return it online, by email, or by mail at least five days before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day.
Update your voter registration:
- By mail: Update your registration with this form and include a copy of the required ID. You also need to have the form notarized unless you are a military member or overseas citizen.
- Online: N/A
- In-person: You can register to vote in person at your local county clerk’s office.
Deadline: Mailed registrations must be postmarked 14 days before Election Day.
How to vote by mail:
For voting by mail, you can call, email or stop in at your county clerk to request an absentee ballot. You also can apply online or download and print out an application to mail to your county clerk. Applications must be received by the day before Election Day.
Absentee ballot deadline:
Must be received by 7 p.m. on Election Day.
Karon Warren contributed to this report.
Alexander Harris is a writer, journalist, and editor living in the state of Texas. He's moved six times in the last 10 years. When he isn't packing boxes he likes watching movies, taking long walks, and taste-testing BBQ.
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