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How to File A USPS® Change of Address

Open mailbox in front of new home, movers changed address with USPS to forward mail
Aina Jameela / Shutterstock

One of the essential parts of the moving process — aside from packing — is filing a USPS® change-of-address. The post office mail forwarding process is easy and straightforward, and it can either be done online or in person. Make your mail move with you by following our handy change mail address guide that’s packed with everything you need to know, including the cost, step-by-step instructions, and a checklist of other places to change your address.

How to change your address online

Step 1: Go to the change-of-address form on MYMOVE:

Make sure to use the USPS change-of-address form. Mymove and the postal service offer a secure online system to change your address, so you don’t have to worry about your information being compromised.

Step 2: Fill in the required information:

You’ll have to fill out a form with your email, phone number, and your previous and new addresses. USPS will also ask you about who’s moving — is it just you, your family, or your business? — to help gather the necessary information. USPS will also ask you to specify the date you want the postal service to start forwarding your mail.

Step 3: Pay $1.10:

Once you fill out the required fields, you will be asked to pay a $1.10 identification validation fee with a credit or debit card. This USPS change-of-address cost is a fraud safeguard and verification tool. USPS will ensure that the address linked with the credit/debit card matches either your old residence or your new residence. This way, the postal service can verify that it’s you making the change — not someone fraudulently requesting the address change on your behalf.

When you’ve completed the change-of-address process, USPS will send you a confirmation email to let you know that the request went through.

Step 4: Keep your eye out for the Move Validation Letter:

The post office will mail a letter validating your move to your original address, with a number to call if there’s a problem. They’ll also mail a letter to the new address in three to five business days to confirm the post office change-of-address.

Step 5: If you’ve made a mistake or need to make changes:

Luckily, if your plans have changed or you made an error, the USPS allows you to edit or cancel your original change-of-address. All you need is your confirmation number to get started.

How to file a U.S. Postal Service change-of-address in person

You can also file a mail forwarding request in person at your local post office. Go to the post office and either ask for PS Form 3575 or find it in the available labels and forms (if your post office has these out and available). You can also ask for a mover’s guide.

If you can’t remember the name of the form or guide, you can tell someone behind the counter that you’re moving and need to change your address. They’ll get you the form. Go ahead and fill it out and either hand it back to a person or drop it in the mailbox.

How much does it cost to change your address with USPS?

It only costs $1.10 to change your mailing address with the postal service. Be wary of other sites that charge extra. If you’re asked to pay any additional fees, check to make sure that you’re using the MYMOVE USPS address change form.

When should I file my address change with USPS?

Whether you’re moving permanently or temporarily, we recommend changing your address at least two weeks before Moving Day. This will give USPS enough time to send you the Move Validation Letter before the trucks arrive. It’s also helpful to notify all of the people, organizations, and companies that send you mail of your address change in the weeks before your move. That way you can make sure that important mail is sent to your new home.

Does a post office change-of-address update my address everywhere?

Filing an address change request with USPS only forwards your mail to your new address for a limited time. It doesn’t change your mailing address on file with any other company, government organization, or institution. You’ll have to do that yourself by contacting them using the information provided on a bill or website. This will also simplify the process and ensure your mail arrives at the right place.

Where else should I update my address?

There are a lot of places that won’t be covered by the USPS change-of-address, and there’s a good chance you might forget one or two. We’ve put together a change-of-address checklist that should get you through most of the common places that will require an address update.

everywhere you need to update your change of address

The bottom line

The postal service address change process is easy to do! Whether you file online or in-person is up to you; just make sure you do it within about two weeks of your moving date, so you don’t miss any of your mail. While you’re at it, change your address with other government offices, local utilities, credit card companies, and anyone else who sends you mail!

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