10 Things Not to Do When Remodeling your Home

JadeNinaSarkhel/ Twenty20
In most homeowners life there will come a time when remodeling and upgrading your current amenities will be a way of life. Whether you are wanting to add space to your rooms, upgrade materials, or because your home needs more functionality, taking on a remodeling job could be in your near future. Before you get started, there are several factors to consider. While your favorite home and gardens show may make it look easy in a few days – here are 10 things not to do when taking on your remodeling home job.
1. Don’t assume you know how to do every home remodeling project:
Every DIY remodeling project isn’t considered equal. Before you decide which project to begin first at your home, determine what skill set and experience you have to execute your project. Many home projects will involve more expertise than others. While you may think all you need to do to replace a lighting fixture is detach the current fixture – you may forget that turning off the electricity to that circuit and other necessary requirements are necessary. Do your homework!
2. Don’t enlist friends and family to help you if they aren’t experienced:
In order to save money many homeowners think of hiring or asking their friends and family to help. This can lead to costly mistakes, injury, and damage to important elements in your home. While friends and family can be used for moving belongings, furniture, cleaning and other household “chores” – only let experienced family and friends assist with your home renovation.

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3. Never assume that your budget won’t go over your estimation:
While you may have done your homework on how much your materials, labor, and miscellaneous remodeling components will cost, there always should be a budget for going over budget. Many remodeling projects will involve unforeseen circumstances that will not be conveyed until the project starts. Opening up walls can often lead to electrical, structural or plumbing surprises. Remodeling older homes can often unveil mold, pipes leaking or rotting and deteriorating wood. Keeping this in mind, create a lower budget than you think you will need, just in case.
4. Don’t assume a weekend remodeling project will only take a weekend:
Similarly to your budget, time is another resource that is valuable and shouldn’t be underestimated. While many home improvement shows are able to complete projects in a 2-3 day time span, there is countless number of hours of professionals working behind the scenes. To gauge how much time you will need will largely be based on your experience level, if you have the proper tools to carry out the project and if you have assistance to execute the job in a timely manner. Take all of these into consideration when planning a time schedule. If you plan to take time off from work, factor in a day or two more on the front and back ends, just in case.

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5. Don’t overlook local building codes and regulations for your area
Many homeowners assume that any construction or remodeling they do on their home is fair game. Depending on where you live, the local building codes and statutes may need to be considered. Especially if you are digging outside your home for a pool, pouring a structural foundation, or installing certain electrical/plumbing/mechanical/structural components may need a building inspector to review for safety.
6. Don’t underestimate the power of pictures when hiring a contractor
If you choose not to do the all of the remodeling project yourself and you hire a professional contractor – communication and conveying your intent is essential. Photographs that you find on Freshome, your favorite magazine or ones that you collect from house ware brochures will help tremendously. Many homeowners forget that contractors will need an idea of exactly what result you’d like in your remodeling job – don’t rely on just your verbal explanation and their interpretation to get the results you are seeking.
7. Don’t risk your safety to get a home remodeling project done quicker or for cheaper
You may think this is self-explanatory but hospital emergency rooms around the world are filled with home improvement accident injury victims that could have been prevented. When working on high areas ensure you have the proper scaffolding, ladders, extension poles, and fall-protection safety wear to execute your job safely. If you are unfamiliar around high power tools, working around electricity and other technical portions of your home, hire a professional for your remodeling project.
8. Don’t start your remodeling project until you have all of the components

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Before you start hammering nails or demolition your bathroom wall, ensure you have all the components before hand. If you are ordering appliances, materials, and other deliverable items – wait until they are delivered before starting your home renovation. While you may be anxious to get started, often times delivery dates get confused and your kitchen or bathroom could be inoperable for days waiting for fixtures to be delivered! Wait until all of the renovating components are in your possession.
9. Don’t get excited about your project before you determine the specifics
While you may have seen a great looking kitchen in your interiors magazine that you perused last week or that outdoor patio and summer kitchen are ‘to die for’ ensure you have all the specifics beforehand. Research what the cost of materials, labor – if you hiring a contractor, time it will take, and what preparations will need to take place for this renovation to fruition. Many projects require you and your family to be inconvenienced for days, or weeks at a time, and the possibility of not having a kitchen, bathroom, etc.. or access to an essential room for a period of time could be a reality. Do your homework beforehand to make sure you are up for the entire job before you start.
10. Don’t assume that your dream renovation project isn’t possible
For many homeowners, the reality of home renovation may look dismal if cost, time and resources are unknown. Before you table the idea of not doing a home renovation, do your research ahead of time. If you can’t afford your entire remodeling project right now or you don’t have enough ideas to envision your renovation, take your time. Ask professional architects, interior designers, landscapers, and contractors or specialized home design professionals. They often can help you make your dream a reality in stages and at an affordable cost that you may have not known was an option. Your home is a huge investment; take the time to research how to make it uniquely yours with a fabulous renovation project.