How to Buy Furniture for Short-term Living Spaces

For many homeowners the reality of where their next home is, and where in the world takes them for business or pleasure can be world’s apart. For many, the reality of living in a home, or apartment for a few weeks or months at a time can be stressful to find furnishings, but also be costly and time consuming. Many people have found that finding apartments that are already furnished or even utilizing rental furniture is a viable option. If you need to buy furniture for a short-term living space, look here for tips to make every place feel comfortable and like home, without breaking your budget.
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- Assess your budget and your new home: While it’s nice to think you can move into an already furnished space, often times this isn’t feasible. Determine how much space you have in your rooms before picking out furniture. Conversely, determine how much you have to spend, and make a furniture budget. With measurements in hand and a budget already determined, this will help you be realistic when shopping. If you are moving for your job or company, ask them if they have a re-location package available, to help you with purchasing or renting furniture for your short-term living space.
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- Consider using repurposed and second hand furniture: With the trend in design towards repurposed furniture and decor, it is no longer taboo to hunt through dumpsters and salvage yards for furniture! While you may want to stick to cleaner sources for your finds, you will be surprised what furniture items you can find for next to nothing at second hand stores, garage sales, and sitting on the curb on trash day in many neighborhoods. Know exactly what you’re looking for, and research online advertising websites for garage sales, and tenants moving out of their apartments quickly. These sources can help you attain furniture that you can later fix up, refinish, or repurpose in your home.
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- Utilize multi-purpose furniture for multi-functions: While you may think you need to furnish a three bedroom apartment with 20 pieces of furniture, you may need to rethink your strategy. Since you will not be living in this home for years into the future, decide which pieces of furniture can double for other needs. A dining room table can serve as an office area, and a futon couch, can convert into a bed for overnight guests. You will be surprised how you may only need 5 pieces of multifunction furniture pieces instead of your assumed 20. This will save money, not to mention valuable space.
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- Research deals and bargains with your leasing company: Depending on what geographical area you are moving to, many leasing companies and landlords are looking for tenants to fill their units. This means they are offering move-in specials, furnished apartments, or reducing the price for monthly leasing. If you are trying to save money, seek out short-term housing that has a need to fill large portions of their buildings. Many new complexes want to show they have tenants, and will provide incentives for you to sign on the dotted line. Be patient, there are plenty of short-term housing options out there.
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Finding furniture for your short-term living home can be simpler than you thought. Do your homework as to how much you can spend, how many pieces you really need, and if you will share your home with others. Many people find roommates to split living costs as well as buying furniture. Look at your living environment as a new living adventure as opposed to a negative. Have fun and enjoy your short-term living arrangement!
Freshome readers, share with us your tips for getting furniture on the cheap, when you aren’t planning on living in yr next home for a while.