How Can Design Describe the Personality of the Owner

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There are hundreds if not thousands of parameters shaping our design, parameters that from the first glance can describe the personality of the owner inhabiting the design line. Our existence gravitates around an unique inner factor. Our relationships and our unique qualities, perspective, interpretation and dreams are influence by thousands, millions of parameters and yet all are subdued to that inner factor: our personality.Through our personality we are defined, through it we breath our environments, live our emotions, ups and downs. We unconsciously shape our life around it, subdued to it, it`s the mysterious force that attracts people or repels them. Personality dictates everything indirectly, the pattern we will choose, the color we will prefer in different unknown situations, the texture that we consider fit, proper, comfortable. We know “it feels right”, we know “it fits us”. Our personality is shaped through time and it can greatly evolve but it never changes completely, we are transforming ourselves through experiences of all kinds; we live.

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Look around you, look at the interior design that hopefully, you chose, if it is your opera you know why you had to do it like that. You might not love everything but you definitely cannot deny it or dislike everything. A quality design is one that fits the owners needs, the one that can be felt properly by the owner and attributed to him even if it`s not envisioned by him. Through this lenses, but from the other end we can see it in reverse.Design talks about the owner, a quality design makes a statement for his owners, it`s his shelter between an unknown and chaotic environment and a little piece of heaven. This extraordinary feeling defined the phrase “there`s no place like home” in which home subdues house, mansion, villa, castle and any other capsuled or encapsulated environment.Further on we will try to describe and summarize inhabitants seen through the lenses of their own design. Imagine that you are seeing a absolutely blank living room with no parameters, no connection with the exterior, imagine that your design line will start with the living room. However you choose to design ,the living room will shape the rest of your home. In the living room most of us are presenting our social half, our general taste, our personality in the most direct way. Further on we will present you five living rooms and we will try to describe in a few words the inhabitants personality through it.

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1. Minimalist interior design – “Less is more” Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Despite popular belief the minimalist interior design is excruciating for most inhabitants. In other words, it`s a style that describes an extremely organized and efficient individual imprinted with a well defined pattern in matter of design. He knows and thinks of any move in the interior design weeks before doing it, every thing must go according to plan. The minimalist design describes a bold yet rather superficial attitude in matter of design.He is subdued to aesthetic values and this aspect is the main factor in decision making, followed by material quality along with texture and efficiency. This individual appreciates Eames furniture, his definition of vintage being the age and epoque of a simple minimalist item that would fit his scene.Five words that would describe the personality inhabiting the minimalist interior design would be perfectionist, methodical, efficient, determined and introverted .

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2. Scandinavian Interior DesignThe personality of the owner inhabiting such a design values similar aesthetic values with the clear minimalist design but from a very different angle. In this scene our individual places comfort, coziness and warmth above efficiency, he considers similar minimalist lines and planes as the previous owner but he sees this as a support for the objects defining his inner core. He presents more of himself through his design whilst maintaining social boundaries.For him the appurtenance to the cultural life is very important, he values his friends very much and he cares about their comfort, this can be seen through furnishing and attention to comfort and entertaining. In the Scandinavian interior design the attention is drawn to the dialogist more than towards the television, our inhabitant relies on friends and connections, on comfort and coziness in a scene painted by his personality.In five words our inhabitant is friendly, social, interested in culture, chick and elegant.

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3. Pop Art Interior Design
The Pop Art appeared in a similar time frame with the two styles above and while it has fields in which they over lap, the end result is entirely different. Pop art is definitely cool, without a doubt these interiors are highly stylish, elegant and really bold. The usage of bold colors and unconventional pieces of art is almost mandatory. It`s an interior with a whole story behind it, every item has substance.In this design line the individual can be read through the furniture displayed, the style allowing a wide array. Every item and detail can be interpreted as a piece of history in the inhabitant`s life. Unlike his friends presented above he is far more dynamic,intriguing and mysterious, all misleading qualities.He values his intimacy and disguises his personality in a positive way. For the guest the item displayed is a piece of furnishing or art, for him it`s a valuable story, an experience encapsulated into an item. The design line may shelter an individual with high interest in art, history and different unusual colors, he has a complex personality defined by his own perspective upon the world, commonly a very different perspective upon life compared with the vast majority.In just five words our individual inhabiting such a design is complex, mysterious, different, elegant and fresh.

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4. Shabby Chic Interior Design
The Shabby chic interior design is defined by elegance more than anything at first glance. The inhabitant of such a scene is definitely a happy, positive, friendly and social person. He is optimistic and he actually tries to spread this healthy attitude in his social group. Light animates airy, breezy and colorful interior designs. He rarely buys new furniture, he pays attention to his life, he is a creative and ingenious little creature.He has an artistic eye and he knows what he wants. For the inhabitants of such an interior design the collective memory is really important, a piece of furniture that witnessed many important aspect in its life gains values in the owners life. He looks into an item; he oversees the aesthetic values and quality without losing them . This style is definitely a hard style to control, an overdose of colors and texture being fatal to such a design.Five main characteristics of our individual would be: charismatic, highly social, artistic, fresh and in love with nature.

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5. Vintage Interior design
Vintage interior design is complex and unique. This design always mirrors a highly unique inhabitant because it`s remarkable, remarkable different. Beside main furniture items sofa, armchairs and an eventual desk, every vintage interior design is accessorized in a different manner. The aesthetic value of such an interior is subdued to accessories and small details while for the inhabitant of such a design the items are carriers of style in well defined time period and item memory.Evidently, there are different design motifs which are summoned in more vintage interiors, but they`re materialized different in 99% of the cases, some motifs worth mentioning would be the leather travel suitcases, the British flag, old historic maps, dematerialized boats or boats in glass bottles.This high degree of personalization defines highly unique individuals. When faced with a design change in his interior design the individual knows if it`s right or wrong instantly, he already knows exactly what he wants, and the drive to obtain exactly that item will consume his time and resources, pointing out a determined and motivated individual.Five characteristics of the inhabitant would be highly complex, determined, motivated , well read and perfectionist.

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6.Japanese Interior Design
Japanese interior designs is far more strict then other design styles, the inhabitant of such a design line it`s in a permanent relation and interdependence with the surroundings. From all the design lines he values the essence of things, the inner substance of an item the most, he knows the value of natural light, the value of a simple, airy, natural design, he cherishes simple things whilst being highly organized.Japanese interior design is by far one of the most restrictive style because it`s bound to the extraordinary Japanese culture, the inhabitant of a pure Japanese interior design line would not accept compromises and would not complicate it`s existence with a complex interior design.The inhabitant of the Japanese interior design would be simple, positive, organized, energetic and cerebral.

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7. Classic Interior Design
The classic interior design needs no introduction. The inhabitant of this design line respects timeless beauty ,respects the seed. He is noble elegant, he is interested in culture, politics and history, he values comfort in limits very well drawn by aesthetic values. An item in his interior design represents a piece of history, it has a clear provenience, anything that joins his scene must be as noble and elegant as him, he makes sure that nothing passes through. In the same manner the style describes a rather rigid personality, a personality rarely seen these days, a highly complex one.For him there is an unwritten rule book for all his life, the personality is influenced by a conduit in all matters not just in design, he will never materialize this design over a deep console with huge glazed walls, he will never drive a Dodge, Ford, Hyundai or Peugeot because he loves those cars, he will love a Mercedes a Maserati or Bentley.In five words our individual is noble, charming, upright yet rigid and ageless.The thoughts presented above are describing general typologies, personas, individuals that would fit the designs illustrated based on general principles. Today, in this chaos in which we live in, nothing is by the book anymore. We cannot paint a portrait based on his interior design mainly because this it`s influenced by a thousands of factors; three of them worth mentioning being the interior designer, financial status and the architecture of the establishment.These are parameters that will rail in the creativity and taste of the personality dictating it. In an ideal world though, in one in which everyone would start from scratch and be the creator of his own design, we consider that the inhabitants using the styles above would have the described fingerprint.The design lines described above can be of course heavily customized to match the complexity and uniqueness of each inhabitant because there is nothing more beautiful in this world than our differences, they make us unique, and like ourselves, like an extension of who we are, the ideal design for each of us will be, without a doubt, unique and superb.We highly encourage you to tell us your opinion regarding this complex subject and we would love to know if the personas envisionabove are fitting your personality.