How I Renovated My Kitchen – Reader Story

Did you update your bathroom? Revamp your kitchen? Install new flooring? We would love to share your project, big or small! Send us what you did and our editorial team will consider it for our “My Fresh Home” series, which will be published every Thursday. Check out our submission instructions at the bottom of the page. Today we want to share a story from Freshome reader Patrick’s, who completed a Kitchen Renovation:
YinYang / Getty Images
Over the last few years, I’ve been slowly renovating my small kitchen. I really enjoy doing DIY home renovations, and my kitchen desperately needed the update, because the space felt very outdated and dysfunctional. These updates range from small, quick fixes, too much more involved projects. Here are a few:
Cabinet Handles: Cabinet handles are pretty straightforward to install – you just screw them in. The tricky part is making sure that they’re centered and level with each other. When measuring, you need to take into consideration the size and shape of your handles. Cabinet handles usually come with either one or two screws. One-screw handles are pretty straightforward – just mark where you want it and drill. But if you’re installing handles that have two screws, I recommend creating a template on a piece of paper that measures the difference between the holes. Then you can simply hold the template up to the cabinet and drill, so you don’t have to worry about measuring and re-measuring. I used tape to make sure the paper didn’t shift.
Appliances: This was one of the first things I wanted to get done. I really didn’t like the appearance of the existing appliances, and I wanted to make the room look and feel modern. Not to mention, all of the old appliances came with the property when I bought it and were probably purchased second-hand. They were on their last legs, so choosing to invest in new appliances ensured that I had reliable equipment.
I purchased all of my new appliances – a microwave, dishwasher, and refrigerator – from Lowes, which included professional installation, so I didn’t have to put in anything myself, except for the microwave. If you’re getting an over-the-range microwave, definitely ask someone for help! Mounting a microwave is awkward, and having an extra set of hands is incredibly helpful.
Sink: If you’re not comfortable with plumbing, this is where I would recommend you use a professional. If not, you need to always make sure you turn off your main water line before you begin, or you’re going to get soaked. Installing the sink itself was pretty easy if you go with a top-mounted configuration. I say it took some trial and error when getting all of the piping set up, to make sure everything was connected and neatly positioned under the sink. I would highly recommend watching a couple of YouTube videos if you’re nervous – there are plenty of great resources out there.
Flooring: When I bought the house, it had low-quality laminate flooring. I have dogs, and water spills are a common occurrence, so I really wanted a waterproof solution. The new flooring I installed is a luxury vinyl plank and claims that it is 100% waterproof. Installing flooring can feel like a daunting task, and it does take some time, but overall, it isn’t overly complicated. It all boils down to measuring (and re-measuring), cutting, and locking each piece in place. I used three different power saws to complete this project – a miter saw, jigsaw, and table saw. As I am someone who really enjoys DIY projects, I decided to invest and purchase my own saws, because I can use them for multiple projects.
Painting: I painted over my tan walls with a bright, light blue, to add some brightness and color to the kitchen, and make everything look a little less brown (I had brown floors, brown walls, and brown backsplash with white cabinets).If you’re new to painting walls, I would just recommend that you take your time and try to cover everything you can with canvas tarps or old sheets or blankets, to protect your furniture or appliances from accidental drips. Use a flat, wide brush to create a border around your room in more detailed areas, like near cabinets and backsplash, the ceiling, molding, etc., then use a roller to fill in the larger areas. Overall, I feel like these updates make my kitchen both more visually appealing and functional. The larger refrigerator has given me tons more room, I have a much quieter (almost silent) dishwasher, and my microwave actually works! I also love the additional depth the new sink provides, and the new faucet helps a lot when it comes time to do the dishes. The light blue paint color really opens up the room and adds a pop of color, the space definitely needed. I’m happy with what I’ve completed so far, and I’m excited to take on more projects in the future. What do you think? Do you want to remodel your kitchen?
How to Submit User Stories
1: Include “My Fresh Home Project” in the subject line. Then, in the body of the email, please provide an explanation of why you chose to do the project, an outline of steps you took to get it done, and any advice for readers considering similar projects. Make sure to include your name and any before/after images you have! 2: Email your story to that’s it! Easy, right? If selected, your story will be shared as an article on Freshome!