Why Every Man Needs A Man Cave

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Sorry ladies, but this post is devoted to men (although, stick around for some great gender-neutral decorating inspiration). While both sexes need a place to escape; a place to call their own—the popular evolution of the man cave has blown away its competition (the sewing rooms, home libraries and craft rooms that most women dream of adding to their home take second place in this war of square footage).
So all of us ladies will step aside for a moment to allow all of you men to pursue your dream of the ultimate man cave. If you are going to use precious square footage to make room for a man cave in your home, then it might as well be amazing, right? We have gathered images of some pretty amazing manly retreats for you to use as inspiration.
Men, if you are having trouble convincing your wife or significant other as to the reasons that a man cave is a must, then just show them this article—it outlines the basic reasons that EVERY man needs a place to call his own.
A Place to Unwind
After a long day at work we all crave the creature comforts of home; a quiet retreat where we can plunk down on the sofa, chill out with a drink and unwind.
This is the basic reason that every man needs a man cave. Believe it or not, there are some basic health benefits to be derived from the use of a man-cave. In fact, one man by the name of John Bryant, touts himself as the ” man cave counselor”, helping men around the globe carve out a space to call their own, and educating them about the rooms mental health benefits.
In fact, these manly retreats could actually improve a marriage! After all, what is more pleasant than a man who is relaxed and palpable— this is how most men feel after an hour spent de-stressing in their private abode. If you crave a husband who is willing to listen; one who is happy and stress-free, then maybe you should indulge him with his own man cave get-away.
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Men Need Somewhere to Display the Things They Love
Speaking from the female perspective, most of us don’t want deer antlers poking out of our walls, or glowing metal beer signs pinging that the “Bar is Open” within our living rooms.
However, we wouldn’t mind if these masculine details were displayed in the man cave, where they are out of our sight. This is not to say that men don’t have great decorating taste, because they do and we have already proven that here on Freshome. The fact is, that men have certain collections that women don’t always agree with or wish to display in the main rooms of the home, making a man cave the perfect spot to exhibit these decor items.
Think of all the storage benefits of a man cave. By creating a room of their own, men immediately have a space to store all their collections, and maybe even extra clothes and t-shirts could find a home here. Indeed, the man cave is good for everyone in the household—especially when it comes to decorating, displaying much-loved items and storage solutions.
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It’s Nice to Have a Game Room to Host Parties
While most significant others are outlawed from entering into the man cave, there are still some mutual benefits to this masculine room. For example, the next time you host a party wouldn’t it be nice to have all of your guests out of the kitchen and into a game room where they will be occupied and entertained?
A man cave doesn’t have to be some grungy room with plastic lawn chairs strewn about. Rather, modern man caves are becoming the epicenter of the home. In fact, one NY Times article says that a man cave may increase the value of your home, keeping in mind that decorative flourishes are kept to a minimum.
Consider creating a masculine retreat that everyone can enjoy, such as a game room, a basement bar, or a theatre room. This will surely keep both you and your man happy.
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When in Doubt, Turn the Garage Into a Man Cave
By now, you are probably convinced that a man cave is a must-have, but you are saying, I don’t have any room left in my home to create such a place. This is when you need to get inventive. Start looking to other areas of the home to find space that can be remodeled, such as the garage.
As Popular Mechanics points out, a garage can be much more than a place to park your car and stash your junk. Extreme garages are popping up everywhere, with shows even devoted to restructuring this space into something unique and usable.
There are numerous businesses that are solely devoted to assisting with garage restoration. They can help you overhaul your garage from a dank, dark cement room, to one that is masculine, debonaire and functional.
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Are doing the happy dance right now because you FINALLY have something to show your wife that proves you MUST have a man cave for the sake of your health and your marriage—not to mention all the storage and entertainment possibilities?
Now, all you need to do is start carving out the space in your home for this manly retreat. If the basement is taken, then consider updating your garage or even a storage shed into your ultimate getaway. Be inventive, have fun, and don’t forget the comfy chairs.
Do you have a man cave; a place to call your own? What room of your home did you use?