What Is Your State’s Most Popular Design Style? Google Knows!

We hope you like the products we recommend. Just so you are aware, Freshome may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. It’s amazing what you can find in an afternoon of playing with Google Trends. The site hosts a wealth of information if you know what to look for — even the most popular design style by state, according to what people are searching for. Luckily, Pots, Planters & More did most of the heavy lifting. The retailer analyzed recent Google search trends in each state to compare them to “national search volume averages.”

Yifei Fang/ Getty Images
What design styles are in — and out?
The most popular design style this year is bohemian chic. Eclectic, exotic and vibrant describe it perfectly — and 14 states are smitten. Scandinavian design (11 states) and farmhouse style (10 states) follow in popularity.

10’000 Hours/ Getty Images
Victorian design is out, falling completely off the map, and Kansas is the only state keeping minimalism alive. It looks like Americans want a casual design style with a maxi vibe, reinforcing boho chic’s popularity.Surprisingly, while mid-century modern is popular, it doesn’t top any state’s most-searched list; most states opt for Scandinavian or modern instead.
Here’s a closer look at your state’s most popular design style
Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Pennsylvania
Most popular design style: Art Deco

Peter_visual/ Getty Images
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Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, West Virginia, Wyoming
Most popular design style: bohemian chic

AsiaVision/ Getty Images

AsiaVision/ Getty Images
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Florida, New Jersey, Virginia
Most popular design style: coastal

Artjafara/ Getty Images
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Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississipi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee
Most popular design style: farmhouse

Aliyev Alexei Sergeevich/ Getty Images
Most popular design style: minimalist

Photographee.eu/ Shutterstock
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Ohio, Oregon, Utah, Vermont
Most popular design style: modern

Dariusz Jarzabek/ Shutterstock
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California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin
Most popular design style: Scandinavian

Followtheflow/ Shutterstock
Arizona, New Mexico
Most popular design style: Southwest

Mint Images/ Getty Images
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Most design-oriented states
Pots, Planters & More took the most popular design style info to the next level. It analyzed the search volume by state to determine who spends the most time searching for design info. According to that research, here are the most design-curious states:
- Alaska
- California
- Colorado
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Vermont
- Wyoming
What do you think of this data? Do you identify with your state’s design style?