Cost of Living Calculator
MYMOVE helps you compare the cost of living in two cities. This calculator, which is powered by data from the Council for Community and Economic Research, allows you to compare some costs to live in one area against another. This calculator is not definitive or a guarantee. Read more
Cost of living rating in Anniston-Calhoun County, AL
These grades represent a city’s score based on cost of living. To grade these cities, we split the 100% composite (a government-surveyed measurement of spending patterns) of each location’s Cost of Living Index into ranges. As 100 is the national average, all cities within that range were given a C, all cities with a cost of living below average were awarded grades above a C. Because Anniston-Calhoun County has a composite cost of living index of 83.1, we have scored it as an A-.
Cost of living rating in Auburn-Opelika, AL
These grades represent a city’s score based on cost of living. To grade these cities, we split the 100% composite (a government-surveyed measurement of spending patterns) of each location’s Cost of Living Index into ranges. As 100 is the national average, all cities within that range were given a C, all cities with a cost of living below average were awarded grades above a C. Because Auburn-Opelika has a composite cost of living index of 92, we have scored it as an B-.
To maintain your standard of living in Auburn-Opelika, AL, you need to earn:
The cost of living is 10.71% higher in Auburn-Opelika, AL
Cost difference in Auburn-Opelika, AL
- groceries 4.32%
- housing 33.28%
- utilities -15.64%
- transportation 9.72%
- healthcare 17.75%
- lifestyle 10.60%
groceries | Anniston-Calhoun County, AL | Auburn-Opelika, AL |
ground beef | $4.38 | $5.23 |
wine | $8.61 | $8.92 |
beer | $9.67 | $10.39 |
shampoo | $0.99 | $1.05 |
toothpaste | $2.15 | $2.89 |
chicken | $4.44 | $4.29 |
coke | $1.86 | $2.18 |
potato chips | $2.85 | $3.08 |
frozen corn | $1.24 | $1.34 |
frozen meal | $2.87 | $3.21 |
cooking oil | $4.51 | $5.66 |
cascade | $19.68 | $20.41 |
kleenex | $1.79 | $1.96 |
peaches | $1.98 | $1.78 |
sweet peas | $1.45 | $1.11 |
cereal | $3.93 | $4.57 |
coffee | $4.10 | $4.27 |
steak | $11.90 | $13.64 |
sausage | $4.59 | $4.82 |
fried chicken | $1.52 | $1.58 |
tuna | $1.11 | $1.06 |
half gal. milk | $2.35 | $2.59 |
dozen eggs | $2.72 | $2.17 |
margarine | $1.13 | $1.18 |
potatoes | $3.32 | $3.48 |
sugar | $2.49 | $2.54 |
orange juice | $3.59 | $3.89 |
bread | $3.78 | $3.78 |
lettuce | $1.95 | $1.66 |
bananas | $0.58 | $0.57 |
parmesan | $3.86 | $3.67 |
healthcare | Anniston-Calhoun County, AL | Auburn-Opelika, AL |
ibuprofen | $9.68 | $10.08 |
prescription drug | $451.79 | $417.24 |
dentist | $79.17 | $114.15 |
doctor | $86.74 | $101.02 |
optometrist | $78.17 | $67.49 |
housing | Anniston-Calhoun County, AL | Auburn-Opelika, AL |
apt rent | $794.00 | $1,099.00 |
home P+I | $1,042.00 | $1,363.00 |
mortgage rate (%) | $4.60 | $5.01 |
home price | $270,019.00 | $338,005.00 |
lifestyle | Anniston-Calhoun County, AL | Auburn-Opelika, AL |
yoga | $11.67 | $25.11 |
tennis balls | $2.32 | $2.73 |
vet services | $51.07 | $70.59 |
beauty salon | $32.17 | $37.01 |
movie | $12.06 | $12.75 |
newspaper | $5.00 | $12.35 |
washer repair | $79.83 | $80.93 |
women's slacks | $32.15 | $21.33 |
boy's jeans | $23.00 | $21.39 |
men's shirt | $31.95 | $27.91 |
dry cleaning | $11.22 | $11.10 |
haircut | $13.63 | $16.29 |
pizza | $10.36 | $11.21 |
hamburger sandwich | $4.83 | $4.98 |
phone | $189.31 | $190.92 |
transportation | Anniston-Calhoun County, AL | Auburn-Opelika, AL |
gasoline | $3.51 | $3.69 |
tire balance | $47.71 | $57.19 |
utilities | Anniston-Calhoun County, AL | Auburn-Opelika, AL |
part electric | $169.83 | $105.08 |
total energy | $248.18 | $188.72 |
other energy | $78.35 | $83.64 |
ground beef
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $4.38
Auburn-Opelika, AL $5.23
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $8.61
Auburn-Opelika, AL $8.92
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $9.67
Auburn-Opelika, AL $10.39
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $0.99
Auburn-Opelika, AL $1.05
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $2.15
Auburn-Opelika, AL $2.89
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $4.44
Auburn-Opelika, AL $4.29
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $1.86
Auburn-Opelika, AL $2.18
potato chips
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $2.85
Auburn-Opelika, AL $3.08
frozen corn
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $1.24
Auburn-Opelika, AL $1.34
frozen meal
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $2.87
Auburn-Opelika, AL $3.21
cooking oil
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $4.51
Auburn-Opelika, AL $5.66
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $19.68
Auburn-Opelika, AL $20.41
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $1.79
Auburn-Opelika, AL $1.96
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $1.98
Auburn-Opelika, AL $1.78
sweet peas
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $1.45
Auburn-Opelika, AL $1.11
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $3.93
Auburn-Opelika, AL $4.57
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $4.10
Auburn-Opelika, AL $4.27
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $11.90
Auburn-Opelika, AL $13.64
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $4.59
Auburn-Opelika, AL $4.82
fried chicken
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $1.52
Auburn-Opelika, AL $1.58
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $1.11
Auburn-Opelika, AL $1.06
half gal. milk
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $2.35
Auburn-Opelika, AL $2.59
dozen eggs
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $2.72
Auburn-Opelika, AL $2.17
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $1.13
Auburn-Opelika, AL $1.18
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $3.32
Auburn-Opelika, AL $3.48
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $2.49
Auburn-Opelika, AL $2.54
orange juice
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $3.59
Auburn-Opelika, AL $3.89
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $3.78
Auburn-Opelika, AL $3.78
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $1.95
Auburn-Opelika, AL $1.66
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $0.58
Auburn-Opelika, AL $0.57
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $3.86
Auburn-Opelika, AL $3.67
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $9.68
Auburn-Opelika, AL $10.08
prescription drug
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $451.79
Auburn-Opelika, AL $417.24
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $79.17
Auburn-Opelika, AL $114.15
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $86.74
Auburn-Opelika, AL $101.02
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $78.17
Auburn-Opelika, AL $67.49
apt rent
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $794.00
Auburn-Opelika, AL $1,099.00
home P+I
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $1,042.00
Auburn-Opelika, AL $1,363.00
mortgage rate (%)
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $4.60
Auburn-Opelika, AL $5.01
home price
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $270,019.00
Auburn-Opelika, AL $338,005.00
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $11.67
Auburn-Opelika, AL $25.11
tennis balls
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $2.32
Auburn-Opelika, AL $2.73
vet services
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $51.07
Auburn-Opelika, AL $70.59
beauty salon
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $32.17
Auburn-Opelika, AL $37.01
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $12.06
Auburn-Opelika, AL $12.75
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $5.00
Auburn-Opelika, AL $12.35
washer repair
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $79.83
Auburn-Opelika, AL $80.93
women's slacks
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $32.15
Auburn-Opelika, AL $21.33
boy's jeans
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $23.00
Auburn-Opelika, AL $21.39
men's shirt
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $31.95
Auburn-Opelika, AL $27.91
dry cleaning
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $11.22
Auburn-Opelika, AL $11.10
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $13.63
Auburn-Opelika, AL $16.29
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $10.36
Auburn-Opelika, AL $11.21
hamburger sandwich
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $4.83
Auburn-Opelika, AL $4.98
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $189.31
Auburn-Opelika, AL $190.92
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $3.51
Auburn-Opelika, AL $3.69
tire balance
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $47.71
Auburn-Opelika, AL $57.19
part electric
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $169.83
Auburn-Opelika, AL $105.08
total energy
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $248.18
Auburn-Opelika, AL $188.72
other energy
Anniston-Calhoun County, AL $78.35
Auburn-Opelika, AL $83.64
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Where does the data come from?
We sourced our core cost of living data from the Council for Community and Economic Research’s (C2ER) Cost of Living Index. The C2ER has been publishing quarterly Cost of Living Index (COLI) reports since 1968. The COLI collects data at the local level from independent researchers for over 60 goods and services. Learn more about COLI research methodology.
Additionally, we calculate our MYMOVE cost of living grade from each city by comparing the COLI data set to an American’s average monthly expenses. We source our data for the monthly averages from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
What is ‘cost of living,’ and how is it measured?
The first step in determining if you should move to a new city is to make sure that you can afford to live there. That’s where cost of living comes in. Doing a cost of living comparison between your current area and a prospective city ensures that you can maintain your current standard of living in the new location.
COLI, the cost of living index we use to power our calculator, surveys housing, food, health care, transportation, and utility costs to paint a picture of what future expenses would look like if you moved.
How can I use MYMOVE’s cost of living calculator to plan my move?
Our calculator uses COLI, a cost of living index that pulls data from real-life surveyors all over the country. The index refreshes that data quarterly so we can give you up-to-date cost of living by city information. You can then compare that data to your salary to determine what you’d need to earn to maintain your current standard of living.
You can also use the costs listed for everyday living expenses — like the city’s average rent or mortgage, or the price of a grocery item — to outline a budget for your new city. Simply reference your current budget as a starting point and fill in the values using our calculator's data. This will give you an idea of monthly expenses in a new city before you make the move.
Don’t have a specific destination in mind? No worries. Make a list of areas that interest you. Then, run a cost of living comparison by city for each area. This will help you eliminate cities that may be too expensive, so you can find the perfect fit.
Calculator disclosure
This cost of living calculator, which is powered by data from the Council for Community and Economic Research, allows you to compare some costs to live in one area against another. This comparison calculator is not definitive or a guarantee since the calculator does not account for all costs or variables, such as state and local income, property, or school taxes or your spending habits.